Cameron & Christie
Temecula, CA
Places you’ve traveled with the LV:
· San Diego, California
· Oceanside, California
· Newport, Oregon
· Talladega, Alabama
· Gulf Coast, Alabama
· Austin, Texas
· Buellton, California
· Rincon, California
· Shasta, California
· Klamath River
· along with a few truck stops and rest stops along the way!
Family Bio:
We've been married for 29 years and have 3 young adult sons and 2 pugs. Cameron has worked as a supplier in the RV industry for the last 30 years. Christie is working as a Realtor in Southern California after being a stay-at home mom for 18 years,

How are you using your LV?
We primarily use it for travel, as a part-time office while traveling and on occasion we use our LV as a guest house when our main residence is full! We've had our LV since July 2019 and are loving it!

Any previous experience with trailers or mobile living?
Because Cameron has been in the RV industry for so long, we have had the opportunity to use a variety of RVs, including Class A, Class C and toy box trailers.

How have you incorporated your favorite hobbies into LV living?
Camping and glamping has always been a hobby of ours and some of our boy’s favorite memories took place in a RV. The beach is our happy place, so we love taking our LV to the beach, or any body of water. Christie is an avid yogi, so being able to unroll her mat on the LV deck for a quick practice is unreal!

What do your kids like most about LV?
Although our boys are grown now, they find the Euro-loft to be large enough and comfy enough for their liking!
What are your 3 favorite features and why?
First and foremost, the quality, longevity, attention to detail and ultra-modern feel! Our deck is our favorite place to be, especially when there is a view, so no doubt it is a favorite feature! Being in the LV bathroom just makes us smile, from the amount of space, to the inviting rain shower, you forget you are in a trailer!

What would you say to others considering a change in lifestyle?
The work/ life balance is achievable, even from the road. We find it's much more enjoyable to send emails with a view of the ocean! :)

How were you impacted by COVID? How did LV play into your situation?
During Covid, Cameron has not been able to do business via air travel, and the restrictions placed on Realtors, has allowed us more time to take the LV out and work on the road.

How are you socially distancing with LV?
Camping, by nature, has a built-in social distancing factor and when we sit out on our deck, we are always at least 6 ft apart from others.
How have you customized your LV to make it your own?
We had a custom generator tray made for the front. We upgraded the Wi-Fi capabilities, ordered a custom umbrella with the matching Sunbrella material of the dinette cushions, and added a black Girard awning. We've also added some decorative accents, of course!

What is one item you cannot live without?
The deck is our vote!

Favorite memory?
Having Wally visit us while we were staying in our absolute favorite spot, Rincon! As we have said before, the LV was MADE for RINCON!

What was the defining moment that made you decide to make the transition to LV?
We experienced the fragility of life after almost losing a loved one. We were going to wait until our 30th wedding anniversary, or closer to retirement age, but we listened to our hearts and not our heads and we don’t regret it one bit!
How has LV changed your outlook on life?
Our LV has helped us both to appreciate living in a small space. It's also reinforced that this lifestyle is possible and can be very comfortable. We can see ourselves traveling our beautiful country in our LV forever!

Words to live by
The most precious thing is FAMILY
Happiness is booking our next LV trip